The something borrowed Size guide

As an online service, you will not be able to try the product before placing your rental. At Something Borrowed, we want you to feel confident with the item you have rented and put your trust in us to ensure that your items of choice will fit and suit you.

To make your rental experience as seamless as possible, we have teamed up with experts stylist and have created 5 body types


This body type is named for the contoured shape of your waist compared to your bust and hips. To determine if you have an hourglass shape, study your body in the full-length mirror.
If your curves resemble that of a coca cola bottle, you most likely have an hourglass figure.


Significant signs of an apple shape body include a more circular outline, with a larger waist and thighs.


The rectangle body type is the most straight-forward shape. This body type is often described as an athletic build, as women who identify with it have features of similar widths. Rectangle bodies are composed of a similar shoulder, bust and hip width.


An inverted triangle is an upside-down triangle described as any body shape with larger proportions on top than on bottom. This is another athletic shape as the waist and legs have significantly smaller widths than the bust and shoulders. 


Like the way a pear is shaped, a pear body type is slender on top, and wider in the hips and legs. If your shoulders and bust measurements are significantly smaller than the width of your hips, you are probably a pear-shaped body type.